

近日,华农资源与环境学院土壤微生物生态与环境健康课题组在建立全球土壤地衣型真菌的空间分布格局研究方面取得新进展,并提出了相应的驱动机制。相关研究成果发表在生态学领域国际期刊New Phytologist上。




资源与环境学院刘玉荣教授为论文第一作者和通讯作者,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学David J. Eldridge教授、西悉尼大学Brajesh K. Singh教授和Juntao Wang、西班牙巴布罗德奥拉维戴大学Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo教授、华中农业大学博士生曾晓敏也参与了该项研究。本研究获得了国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划和湖北省杰出青年自然科学基金等项目的资助。


Lichens play crucial roles in sustaining the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems; however, the persity and ecological factors associated with lichenized soil fungi remain poorly understood.To address this knowledge gap, we used a global field survey including information on fungal sequences of topsoils from 235 terrestrial ecosystems.We identified 880 lichenized fungal phylotypes across nine biomes ranging from deserts to tropical forests. The persity and proportion of lichenized soil fungi peaked in shrublands and dry grasslands. Aridity index, plant cover and soil pH were the most important factors associated with the distribution of lichenized soil fungi. Further, we identified Endocarpon, Verrucaria and Rinodina as some of the most dominant lichenized genera across the globe, and they had similar environmental preferences to the lichenized fungal community. In addition, precipitation seasonality and mean diurnal temperature range were also important in predicting the proportion of these dominant genera. Using this information, we were able to create the first global maps of the richness and the proportion of dominant genera of lichenized fungi.This work provides new insight into the global distribution and ecological preferences of lichenized soil fungi, and supports their dominance in drylands across the globe.


